Preparing a nursery for your little one can seem stressful and expensive. You wonder how can a tiny human being require so many items. Don’t panic! You can create a beautiful and budget-friendly space with a little bit of creativity. Scroll down for interesting ways on how to put together a nursery on a budget.

1. Go minimalist
You don’t have to spend a fortune on unnecessary baby stuff. Just stick to the basics; all you need is a crib with a waterproof mattress and sheets, a dresser, a nursing chair, and storage spaces in order to come up with the perfect room.
2. Be resourceful
Better create your own accessories rather than buying pieces at higher costs. You can DIY a canopy over the baby’s crib for instance by using a tulle around a hula-hoop. Don’t spend money on beddings such as blankets, quilts and pillows for the crib, as they can lead to unintentional sleep-related suffocation for Infants. Paint the walls by yourself or use wall decals to create special murals without spending on an artist to do it. Choose white or pastel colors to make the room feel spacious.

3. Purchase long-term items
Find pieces that will grow with your kid. Opt for multifunctional items such as a crib that converts into a toddler bed, a dresser that can be used as a changing table, or a closet that will last for years to come.

4. Buy items online
Check out sites where you can purchase furniture, accessories, or toys at discount prices. You can even buy more affordable second-hand items in “like new” condition, or trade essential baby gear with other mothers online.

5. Use low-cost storage options
Introduce floating shelves to showcase some baby products and decorative elements. Buy a crib with storage underneath in the form of drawers. Add a few baskets or storage containers to store diapers and toys, and thus clear up the floor from clutter.

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